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老虎是现在对人类最有价值的动物这有点像一只猫,比它更大它生活在森林里,以小动物为食如今,野生老虎的数量越来越少也许将不再有老虎更如果人们继续砍伐树木,去破坏生存环境或狩猎只是皮老虎我们必须停止所有的;Most tigers are orange with black stripes or a pale colour with brown stripes The colour and the stripes help a tiger hide well in long grass or in the shade of trees 大多数老虎毛色橙黄,带黑斑纹,或;A tiger is a kind of catamount animalIt looks like a cat,but much bigger than a catA tiger is very ferocious and it eats mainly meatIt has yellow and black streaks all over its body and it looks;A tiger is a kind of cat amount animal It looks like a cat, but much bigger than a cat A tiger is very ferocious and it eats mainly meat It has yellow and black streaks all over its body and;Dear Tom,You have asked me to tell you something about tigers Here are what I want to tell youFirst of all, tigers live in forest and feed on small animals Nowadays, there are fewer and fewer。

译文老虎是人们在动物园最喜欢观赏的动物之一然而,目前世界上仅存将近3200只老虎并且其数量仍在逐渐减少老虎现在正面临着灭绝的危险境地,因为它们正被猎杀和售卖因此,要保护老虎,任何虎制品的交易必须被禁止而且;because the world without tiger is not a completed one老虎是最珍贵的动物之一,今天的人类它是某种像猫,但比它大得多它生活在森林里,和吃小动物如今,野生老虎的数量正变得小而小也许不会有老虎任何更多的如果;because the world without tiger is not a completed one老虎是现在对人类最有价值的动物之一它的外形有点像猫,但是比猫大很多它生活在林中,以小动物为食现如今,野生老虎的数量越来越少如果人类再不停止砍伐;That depends “A tiger” may refer to a ferocious man A brave soldier is a tiger in a fight An active, energetic young man works like a tiger老虎是最凶猛的野兽之一当我们把一个人比作老虎的时候;老虎的英文介绍可以从老虎的形态特征写范文The tiger#39s body is majestic, strong and tall, and its hair color is beautiful It changes from yellow to red from north to south, with dark stripesThe head;中文翻译去动物园我和我的家人去了番禺的湘江动物园动物园动物园很大很漂亮,动物园里有很多动物,熊猫,狮子,老虎,蛇,大象,熊猫收集的狐狸非常可爱,非常胖,但它不是我最喜欢的动物狮子非常强壮,但它也不是我;Tiger A tiger is a kind of catamount animal It looks like a cat, but much bigger than a cat A tiger is very ferocious and it eats mainly meat It has yellow and black streaks all over its body。


以下是三篇关于老虎的英语作文,供大家参考第一篇英语作文 写作思路老虎是一种非常神秘而又令人敬畏的动物,它们生活在亚洲的热带雨林和草原地区这篇英语作文将介绍老虎的外貌特征习性以及保护现状英语原文Title Ti;以森林中妁小动物为食在过去妁几年中,许多森林被砍伐,这使这种动物的生存环境越来越糟现这种动物在世界上的数量非常少它们是世界性妁动物,它们应该有自己的生存空间我们必须尽全力保护老虎和它们的生存环境。

A Tiger in Tow 狐假虎威A tiger was looking for food in a large forest when a fox ran by The tiger sprang forward and caught itThe fox was frightened, but it had an idea in a blink quotYou dar;1老虎的眼泪英语作文 Tiger A tiger is a kind of catamount animalIt looks like a cat,but much bigger than a catA tiger is very ferocious and it eats mainly meatIt has yellow and black streaks;and strong and it can hit its quarry dying老虎是猫科动物的一种,它看起来像猫却比猫大很多老虎非常凶猛,是肉食性动物它全身是黑黄相间的斑纹,看起来非常漂亮它的尾巴又长又有力,能够打死它的猎物;Tiger is one of the most valueable animals to human beings today It is somehow like a cat, but much bigger than it It lives in the forest, and feeds on small animalsNowadays, the number of the。





“关于老虎的英语海报作文(老虎的英文作文40字,带翻译)” 的相关文章



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