1、Dolphin#39 babies are born in the water They can grow up to three and a half meters longDolophin use sound to help them find their way, look for their food and talk with each other Sound is just;One day Mr Green, the science teacher, asked his class, quotWhat do you want to be when you grow up?quotquotI want to be a dolphin trainer like my uncle,quot Mike answeredquotWhy do you want to be a dolphi;有的种类虽叫“鲸”,但左右两边的脑部却在轮流休息每隔十几分钟,而且很有节奏,这是海豚在换气,“水罩”包住了它的身体,会聚集在靠近沙滩的海湾,海豚的大脑占它体重的1,海豚游动时几乎没有摩擦力,未能达标排放就直接排入海洋 如果。
2、Red sensitive small eyes, small ears, a small hole oxygen naughty, and gray before the fin, dorsal and caudal fins to form a lively and lovely little dolphin, be clever and sensibleDivided into rostral d;英语海报的格式和范文是什么英语海报的格式和范文是在第一行的正中间写“POSTER”在第二行“POSTER”下面写上活动的具体名称或活动的内容1标题的写作可以直接拟定为“海报”,亦可以直接书写活动内容,如“研讨。
3、graceful posture, is streamlined Small eyes, mouth like sword, the dorsal fin is triangular, large and flat fin Round nose is long on the top of the head, very like a dolphin In the water, when it;描写海豚的英语作文篇一 The Dolphin is one of the most precious animalsTheir bodies are very long Dolphins live in the seaThey live on fish, shrimps and so onDolphins are very friendly and;我是江豚,在长江已经生活了2500万年了,被人们誉为长江的“活 化石”,还是国家二级保护动物,怎么会不得意呢可是最近我得同伴却接二连三地死去,听同伴们说我们居住的长江受 到了很严重的生态污染,许多同伴都因为这样;您好Dolphin In the vast ocean live many creatures with great intellectual and physical capacitiesDolphin is one of those great creatures,whose capacities to think and move at an astounding rate puzzle those。
4、作文翻译嘿大家都很好,学校足球俱乐部开张了,欢迎朋友们加入足球队我们的训练时间是三周三下午三点,地点是学校体育馆我们有最专业的教练,很好的训练计划和训练条件有很多小伙伴,来吧高中英语海报范文以海报的;Many country kills dolphin for money!Such as dog food and dolphin meat 很多国家捕猎海豚为了钱,例如狗食和海豚肉 Can we protect them?我们能保护他们吗?we can,and it is very easy!我们可以!还很简单呢!we stop;海豚是人类的好朋友,被人们称为见义勇为的海上救生员海豚救人的故事,不是虚构的,而是非常真实的1966年,韩国一艘渔船在太平洋海面上捕鱼时不幸沉没,16名船员中有6名当即丧生其余10名船员在水中游了近10个小时;he Dolphin is one of the most precious animals Their bodies are very long Dolphins live in the sea They live on fish, shrimps and so onDolphins are very friendly and peaceful They never attack;Dolphin 在浩瀚的海洋中生活的许多智力发达身体强健的动物海豚是那些伟大的人之一,他们的思考能力和行动以惊人的速度让那些研究他们的行为,海豚拥有一些使他们不同于其他所有的海洋生物它不是力量或速度,但他们大脑的大小;所以我平时的爱好就是收集飞轮海的海报照片CD我也喜欢他们的歌,并且我也喜欢音乐 这就是我的爱好,你喜欢我么我希望喜欢飞轮海的人能和我交朋友我是根据我自己的情况写的3 一篇英语海报作文简单点 昨天。
5、Dolphin Dolphin nursing program, a cetacean, Asia Head tooth whales, porpoises, commonly known as dolphins, a total of nearly 62 species distribution in the world#39s oceans 12~42 meter length, weight 23。